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Export Task

When an Export Task appears in your task list, it allows you to retrieve completed forms and attached files from Trisk, saving them to your local drive or the Garage.

Think of it like picking up a package—the files are the package, and your local storage or the Garage is the destination.


Downloading the Export Result

You'll see two options under "Download the export result":


  1. Download ZIP archive with PDF files
    • A ZIP file containing all exported PDFs is automatically generated.
    • Click the provided link to download it to your computer.
  2. Download ZIP archive with CSV files
    • If you need the export in CSV format, click the blue "Generate CSV" button.
    • Once the file is ready, a download link will appear.

Completing the Task

  • Clicking the green "Complete" button finalizes the task and moves the workflow forward. It does not download any files, so make sure to retrieve your documents before marking the task as complete.

  • The blue outline "Activity" button opens a detailed task summary, showing status, assignees, due dates, workflow details, and time spent.


Need to Reaccess the Files?

If you accidentally mark the task as complete before downloading the files, you can still access them:

  1. Go to Main Menu > Workflows
  2. Or navigate to Main Menu > My Work > My Tasks > My Tasks - Completed (Tab)
    From there, you’ll find the task and can download your files.
