For years, I’ve bragged about Trisk’s exceptional Ukrainian development team. We’re blessed to have the most dedicated and competent group of individuals with whom I’ve had the pleasure to work. I couldn’t be more appreciative.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine makes me want to vocalize something that’s bothered me for years. Many have challenged Trisk’s use of the offshore team in Ukraine. They’ve warned that we’ve taken unnecessary risks of Russian influence.
At this juncture, I need to say “I told you so” to all the negative Nancies out there. It’s inarguable that Ukraine is not a direct channel to Russia. Ukrainians are independent, strong, and talented people.
Last fall, we had the pleasure of spending time in Odessa. What a beautiful and friendly place. We celebrated with the team.
Today it looks different. The team is scattered. Some are safer than others. Yet they’re working.
I want to thank you publicly and individually, Vlad, Taras, Serhii, Nikita, Alex, Andrew, Dzera, Viktoriia, for being the individuals you are. You, your families, and your country are in our thoughts and our prayers.
