Welcome to the latest updates from the Trisk Team, crafted to enhance your workflow management and streamline form creation processes. Discover what’s new and the advantages it offers for you and your business.
Smarter Form Building: Default Section Selection
Creating and editing forms on Trisk just got smoother! Previously, creating a new field in a form required selecting a section each time. To streamline this process, the Form Builder now:
- Will automatically select the last section on the form.
- If there are no existing sections, it will default to a ‘New Section’ option.
- You will no longer need to manually select a section every time.
This change reduces the time spent on repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus more on designing your forms efficiently.
Simplified Navigation and Naming in Form Builder
Building forms should be intuitive and straightforward. That’s why we’ve replaced section indexes with full section names in the dropdown menu. When adding or modifying a field within a form, you will now see the full section names in the dropdown menu.
To rearrange the sections, use the drag-and-drop functionality, which offers more intuitive control over the form layout.
This update eliminates confusion and enhances navigation within the form builder. By seeing section names instead of indexes, you can more easily associate fields with their respective sections, leading to a smoother form-building experience.
Additional Changes:
• We’ve renamed ‘Edit Section Field’ to ‘Edit Section’ for better clarity.
• Updated ‘Please enter Section Title’ to simply ‘Title.’
Enhanced Workflow Builder with Timeframe Visibility
Time management within workflows is crucial and becomes easier with our enhanced Timeframe visibility.
Now, as you design or review a workflow, you’ll see a concise ‘Timeframe’ indicator at the top right of each stage. This indicator gives a quick overview of how long it will take to complete the stage. To display more detailed information, hover over the ‘Timeframe’ to display extended details.
This Timeframe updates dynamically based on the rules:
- Summarizes fixed and relative due dates.
- In stages with multiple tasks, it will display the latest due date.
- Any changes in due dates, task additions, or removals will automatically adjust the stage’s Timeframe.
Timeframe empowers you to plan and manage your time effectively. With a clear view of stage durations, you can better anticipate project timelines and adjust your workflow as needed.
Terminology Simplifications
To reduce complexity, we’ve simplified the terminology within the Workflow Builder.
Terms like ‘Fill Form,’ Form Approval (Approve), ‘Due Dates Approval,’ and others have been replaced with more intuitive labels like ‘Form,’ ‘Review,’ and ‘Timeframe,’ respectively.
Navigate through the Workflow Builder as usual, and you will encounter the updated terms. These updates make the workflow process more straightforward, enhancing your ability to create, understand, and manage workflows effectively. Respectively, all other places were updated too to keep your experience consistent.
Improved Text Slider Identification in IF/THEN Logic
In our IF/THEN Logic functionality, we’ve improved how text sliders are identified, especially when titles are absent. The system now displays the first 150 characters of the text slider’s description, facilitating easier identification and differentiation of text sliders in IF/THEN Show rules.
This adjustment ensures you can easily identify and differentiate between text sliders when setting up rules, even when titles are omitted. It prevents confusion and helps maintain an intuitive design process.
New Feature: Video Field Integration in Form Builder
Responding to user feedback, we’ve introduced a video field in the Form Builder, allowing you to embed video content directly into forms.
You can add a video by simply pasting a link from various platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, Loom, and more.
Videos can be previewed within the Form Builder to ensure the correct content is being used.
Integrate multimedia resources seamlessly into your workflows. This update is particularly useful for onboarding and training. Enjoy better engagement with the content without directing the team or clients to external sites. As a sneak peek, video control is undergoing development phase 2, and relatively soon, we will enable you to generate quiz-like questions based on the video to make the training or onboarding process even more robust and efficient.
Ready to elevate your workflow and form creation experience? Create your Free Trisk Workspace today!
Stay tuned for more updates — we’re just getting started. Your success is our success, and we’re here to ensure you have all the tools you need to achieve it.
Warm regards,
The Trisk Team
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– AI-driven Conversational Process Automation. Redefining Workflow Creation
– Trisk Unleashes AI Magic: Say Hello to Trish, Your Versatile Virtual Assistant
– Trisk Updates. Surveys (Beta): Elevate Your Data Collection with Smart Automation and Security