At least once, I’ll bet most people have faced a creative block or, even worse, burnout. These are awful feelings, aren’t they?
Written by Andrii Bobko (Product Designer at Trisk and Trisk 2.5)
But it’s not as scary as it looks. Here are some of the hobbies that help me stay creative and motivated:
Drawing / Sketching
Sketching helps me to relax. It’s a kinda meditation, especially urban sketching, when you sit in front of a historical building or just somewhere in a cafe with a view that catches your attention. It doesn’t even require drawing skills. It is just your own view, your style, or I would even say it’s your private notes about the moment. Just enjoy the process.
I started drawing for fun, but I noticed some excellent side effects:
- You start thinking in another way
- You see things from a different angle
- Your creativity is improving
And you can easily apply these new skills to your work process.

Build plastic models
This hobby is not for everyone, but if you are looking for a long-term building process, it fits perfectly. Honestly, it is an unbelievably complex building process because there are many tiny details and hard-to-understand instructions. (maybe not 😅 it’s only my own opinion). But what I like about this hobby is that it develops:
- Perseverance – as I said before, it’s a long-term process
- Concentration – you literally sometimes should hold your breath while you glue a detail (if you don’t want to make it crooked)
- Attention to detail – a lot of tiny pieces, and you have to work with each of them and make it perfect
But overall, building plastic models is fascinating, so I recommend trying it.

Sport activities
“Thanks, Captain Obvious” you thought!
Yes, sport is an essential part of our life, but I’m not talking about gyms, running, or yoga – that is routine, and most of us do this daily (I hope so:)). I’m talking about some new activities that you would like to try, but for some reason, you haven’t. It could be surfing, hiking, tennis, or even chess. Anything. It gives you new emotions, new experiences, and a breath of fresh air if you get stacked or start to lose motivation. Also, it helps to hold mental health in good condition, which is vital nowadays.

So, the main thing I wanted to say is not to be afraid to try something new. Because hobbies and new activities help you develop new skills and experience new emotions, even if you don’t notice it – it happens subconsciously.