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Trisk – A Differentiated Tool for Your Business

Does your business need better project management, better process management (BPM), or maybe both – Total Quality Management (TQM)? 

Should your business improve on one or more of these fronts by using technology? There is an abundance of SaaS platforms promising to solve all your challenges by automating your processes. These solutions vie for your business by offering drag and drop functionality with project tracking workflows and real-time communications and transparency.

Do they work? 

It depends on how you define success. If your bar is set low and you just want to automate tasks and make sure employees get things done on time, platforms like Asana, Kissflow, or may work to some degree.  

But if your expectations are higher, you want to scale your business while maintaining control of the quality of both internal communications and customer experiences, you should steer toward TQM, with BPM as a natural requirement.

According to Wikipedia, total quality management (TQM) consists of organization-wide efforts to “install and make permanent climate where employees continuously improve their ability to provide on demand products and services that customers will find of particular value.” This means company wide improvement, both internal and customer facing.  

This is where Trisk is distinguished from other BPM solutions. 

Your employees, your customers or your clients deserve a consistent experience when engaging with your company. It shouldn’t matter who in your company is providing the service. They expect uniform proficiency. They expect quality

Unfortunately, this kind of TQM doesn’t happen casually. It’s a commitment…with significant rewards.

It also doesn’t happen with run of the mill project management and process management tools.  It’s not just about assigning tasks, tracking workflow progress, and sending emails. Trisk singly enables businesses to embed content, i.e., real intellectual property, into an automated knowledge stream to make sure your company consistently provides the value your employees and your customer’s/client’s demand.