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Brand-new AI-driven Onboarding: Crafting Immediate Value for Your Business

In the realm of adopting a new service, onboarding often feels like a necessary evil—a process to rush through before diving into the ‘real work,’ where you can engage with the platform. Usually, it’s a dance with notifications to skip, templates to try, or a meticulous journey through instructions.

But what if we told you that onboarding could be not just about setup but a moment of genuine value for your business? What if, within the first few minutes on the platform, you can:

Craft Tailored Workflow and Forms: to address the pain points in the business process, precisely created for your use case, just by answering questions from an AI assistant. Say no to existing, boring, and not-on-point templates in automation software.

Digitize Your Core Departments: your key departments are ready to seamlessly receive tasks, all within the initial minutes after signup.

Instant Team Integration: effortlessly integrate employees into the digital framework.

Fine-tune Permissions: ensuring seamless and secure data handling for all involved.

Sounds impossible? At Trisk, we’ve made it a reality!

Trisk has turned these revolutionary concepts into tangible realities. The onboarding shouldn’t be a mere formality, it must be a moment where your business gains immediate value. Now, let us guide you through the process. 

The Seamless Trisk Onboarding Journey 

Trisk’s onboarding experience starts with a simple yet essential step – the sign-up form. A brief questionnaire requesting your name, email, and title ensures a quick setup, priming you for the impressive journey ahead.

Meet Trish AI, your virtual assistant, a guiding force in Conversational Process Automation.

Screenshot of Trish AI with button "begin onboarding"

As your onboarding partner, Trish engages you in a conversation, meticulously tailoring the platform environment based on your answers. A glance at the screenshots reveals that Trish is already armed with the details you provided during sign-up, such as your name and company’s field. No need to re-enter the information you’ve already provided. Cool, right?

The foundation for automating processes unveils with understanding and structuring your company. That’s why Trish will ask you about roles, unique titles, and divisions. We recommend giving detailed responses for more precise results. 

   screenshot of chat with Trish AI asking for information

Once the structural groundwork is laid, the next step is to invite your team. Trish asks for email addresses and sends invites to join Trisk. You can add as many teammates as you want or skip this step. A friendly reminder, on Trisk’s Standard plan, which is Forever Free, you can add a second user at no additional cost. It’s just one of the many ways we ensure your experience is efficient and cost-effective.

With the groundwork complete, it’s time to create your first workflow. Describe to Trish the process in the organization you’d like to improve and witness the magic of Conversational Process Automation.

screenshot Trish AI asking about teammates and workflow

In today’s case, in a matter of seconds*, the Expense Approval workflow is ready for preview. Within the same screen, you can click and go through the workflow in detail.

*time may vary depending on the complexity of the requested workflow and the load on the server and usually takes from a few seconds to several minutes 

screenshot of Trish AI chat and workflow preview

Review forms tailored to your request that may even contain IF/THEN logic, a way of bringing the real SMART into your forms.

screenshot of form preview with IF/THEN Logic

Not just limited to forms, Trisk also allows you to preview assignee roles created to align with your business structure. 

screenshot of assignee roles

Imagine the efficiency – a few minutes of chatting, and you’ve completed onboarding and structured your business and its departments within the platform, added employees, and optimized your first process!

The True Cost of the Alternative

Now, pause for a moment and envision the alternative – a process without Trisk. The time and resources required for creating and implementing such a workflow from scratch would be astronomical. Weeks, even months of development, customization, integration, design, testing, and quality assurance. There is a necessity for extensive training involving key stakeholders and end users for expertise, requirements, and feedback.

Trisk eliminates this complexity, offering a ready-to-use solution seamlessly integrated into your processes. 

Step into the AI-driven Conversational Process Automation world, a realm where we’re confident you’ll want to stay. Be sure, it doesn’t stop at onboarding – curious about more? Book a demo, and let us show you the limitless possibilities that await.

screenshot of Trisk onboarding completed