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Trisk Updates Mid April 2024: New Reports for Forms, Main Menu Makeover, Data Dictionary, and more

This month, we’re excited to unveil our powerful new Reporting feature, which enables you to create comprehensive reports directly from Forms used in your Workflows and Surveys. Alongside this significant enhancement, we’ve updated the Trisk Menu and expanded the functionality of our Data Dictionary. Continue reading to learn more.

NEW! Reports – Ability to get Reports from Forms and Surveys

Recognizing the necessity for robust data analysis, we’ve substantially improved the reporting capabilities within Trisk. Introducing the new “Reports” feature – generate detailed reports from any Form used in Workflows or Surveys.

Dynamic Report Configuration for Tailored Insights:

The report configuration offers several parameters, allowing you to customize the reports:

Report Name: Optional for ease of identification in the report list.

Form: A mandatory field to choose the form and its version for reporting.

Workflow: Refine the report by specifying a workflow or multiple workflows.

Owner(s): Generate reports for all or selected clients, members, and your company’s internal workflows.

Date Range Filters: Specify the launch and completion timeframes to focus your report.

This image displays a "Monthly Review" report that includes an "Onboarding employees" form with entries for different individuals. It also includes options to download the data and a sidebar for report configuration.

Real-Time Report Preview with Advanced Features:

The preview section dynamically displays:

  • The form name 
  • The ability to toggle table orientation with questions in a row or column
  • A detailed table showing questions and corresponding task details like assignee, owner, completion date
  • Indicators for questions hidden by IF/THEN logic for full transparency
  • The ability to download the report in CSV or Excel formats

Version Control for Reports:

Like Forms and Workflows, Reports support versioning, allowing you to save changes to the current version or create a new one, maintaining a history of iterations.

Note: The “Reports” section is permission-based. Only the user with permission can view it and generate a report.

Compiling and analyzing form data becomes seamless with this update, providing a powerful tool for data-driven decision-making. This enhancement is designed to give you comprehensive control over the data you collect, offering insights at a glance and in-depth analysis with just a few clicks.

Menu Makeover for Enhanced Navigation

We’ve polished the Trisk Menu to make it more intuitive. Cleaner look and logical structure for the tools you use daily. This update means:

  • Less time searching means more time for productivity — find exactly what you need with minimal clicks.
  • A cleaner, more organized interface for an improved Trisk experience.

Navigate with ease and focus on what’s important—your work.

This image depicts a before and after view of a menu for the Trisk platform. The 'before' image shows a dropdown under "Governance" with options like "Bright Ideas Management," "Roles," and "Personas," while the 'after' image shows a simplified menu with different options such as "Profile," "Billing," and "Roles."Data Dictionary Integration for Select, Radio, and Checkbox Fields

With this update, you can integrate Data Dictionary variables into Select, Radio, and Checkbox fields, enhancing the customization and functionality of your Forms.

This enhancement allows for more versatile form designs, where fields can dynamically change based on predefined criteria, streamlining data entry and ensuring consistency across your documents and workflows.

We highly encourage you to explore the latest Data Dictionary updates, like “Variable Integration for Service Files” and “Enhanced Workflow Precision with Scoped Data Variables,” to fully leverage these new capabilities in your workflows.

Bug fixes and stability improvements

Last but not least, to ensure Trisk continues to run smoothly and efficiently, we’ve implemented a series of bug fixes and stability improvements. These updates enhance platform performance, speed up processes, and refine the user experience.


Ready to elevate your workflow and form creation experience? Create your Free Trisk Workspace today!

Stay tuned for more updates — we’re just getting started. Your success is our success, and we’re here to ensure you have all the tools you need to achieve it.

Warm regards,

The Trisk Team

Explore even more cutting-edge features that will add significant value to your Trisk experience:

Trisk Updates April 2024: AI Quiz Generator, Enhanced Flexibility, Data Dictionary improvements

Data-driven Decisions: Introducing AI-driven Reporting for Enhanced Workflow Insights

Conversational Process Automation with Trish AI: From Onboarding to Scale