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Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.

Mark Twain said “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.”

Voltaire is attributed with the quote “Perfect is the enemy of good.”


We all know there are things we could do better in our business. Many are unsure where to start. We read books and listen to podcasts. We get lots of advice. And we seem to believe that our competition has more answers than we do.

Guess what?

Some of what you hear and read is true, but a lot of it is in your head.

So, as Nike says “Just do it.”

After years of suffering from these same doubts, I built Trisk. A no-code online software for business people (i.e., non-programmers) to act on their New Year’s resolutions.

The goal is improvement, not perfection.

Subscribe and start building. It will make you address your uncertainties; really understand what’s essential in your business. You’ll have to analyze what you do right, what you do wrong, and what you can do better.

And I guarantee your first attempt will be a learning experience. You’ll realize you didn’t think of something and want to make changes. This is great! You’re iterating. And Trisk is right there with you.

When I first used Trisk in the corporate tax services business, I felt so successful. My business increased. Revenues went up. Costs stayed pretty level. But I quickly realized that I could do so much more. Not only that, but the tax law changed. I had to make changes just to keep up.

So I updated my forms and workflows. And Trisk worked great. Each new client and each new project automatically got a new and improved version. Business continued to grow. Employees and clients were continuously provided with the best I had to offer.

So again, go to and start now. You’ll be happier and healthier knowing you’re on your way.

(Oh…and by the way…if something goes wrong or you can’t figure out how to do what you want to do, tell us about it using the Help Desk. We’re drinking our own kool-aid. We know Trisk isn’t perfect, but we’re relentlessly iterating to get as close as we can.)